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Studies on Simulating Old-Growth Mangrove Stand via Monte Carlo    


英文题名:Studies on Simulating Old-Growth Mangrove Stand via Monte Carlo

作者:刘素青[1];曾群英[1];黄月琼[1];韩维栋[1];李林锋[1];普映山[2];liu suqing[3];zeng qunying[3];huang yueqiong[3];han weidong[3];



外文关键词:Biomathematics; Monte Carlo; mangrove; simulation;

外文摘要:It is very difficult to accomplish a complete cycle research on mangrove systems since their formation and development require lasting quite a long time. However, the problem concerning a long research cycle can be fundamentally solved by applying simulation means to establish a virtual stand. In this present paper, an old-growth stand of mangrove on the Techeng Island was studied, and Monte Carlo technology and certain approaches of biomathematics were adopted to simulate a similar virtual stand by computers. The results showed that no notable differences between the real and virtual stands were found no matter how many times the stand, the distribution of forest, the basal diameters, and the tree heights were simulated, thus showing that Monte Carlo technology could help accelerate the formation of various types of virtual stands that satisfied the needs of the researches on various real forest types.



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