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菲律宾蛤仔离水后的存活期及存活期内的微生物和理化指标变化     被引量:11

Survival Time and the Changing Rule of Microorganisms and Physicochemical Indexes in Ruditapes Philippinarums During Keeping Alive Period



英文题名:Survival Time and the Changing Rule of Microorganisms and Physicochemical Indexes in Ruditapes Philippinarums During Keeping Alive Period







外文关键词:Ruditapes philippinarum; keep alive; biochemical change; total bacterial count; dynamic modle; shelf life

中文摘要:菲律宾蛤仔/(Ruditapes philippinarum/)味道鲜美、营养丰富,是优质的海洋蛋白食品。随着人们生活水平的提高,鲜活水产品倍受人们喜欢。而菲律宾蛤仔由于个体较小、壳较薄等特点,不耐储藏及长途运输,故研究其存活期、存活期间的微生物和理化指标的变化规律以及预测存活期间的货架期,为菲律宾蛤仔在运输和销售过程中的保活提供一定的理论依据,具有重要的经济和社会意义。本文的主要研究方法、研究内容及结论如下: 1.将菲律宾蛤仔分别置于6个不同的保活温度以及在不同的保活方式下保活,研究了菲律宾蛤仔离水后存活期及存活率,结果表明:温度对菲律宾蛤仔的存活率有较大的影响。保活温度越高,死亡速度越快,低温保活能有效的延长贝类的存活期,其保活效果十分显著。0℃冰箱和冰水混合保活组的存活率最高,第9 d时存活率仍然是100/%。而保存方式对菲律宾蛤仔的存活率也有较大的影响,其中纱布保活组的菲律宾蛤仔的存活率最高,保活9 d存活率仍为100/%,保活时间最长,保活11 d,仍有20/%的存活率,该方法适合于实际应用。 2.将菲律宾蛤仔分别置于6个不同的保活温度下,研究了菲律宾蛤仔离水后存活期间的菌落总数和大肠菌群数量的变化规律:菲律宾蛤仔抽样后,保存温度为0~4℃时,其菌落总数和大肠菌群数量受温度变化的影响较小;在10℃和25℃下,温度对菌落总数和大肠菌群数量的影响较大。综合实验结果,菲律宾蛤仔抽样后送达实验室检测过程,最佳的保存温度为0~2℃,在24 h内检测,菌落总数和大肠菌群数量与抽样当时的检测结果相比变化不大。 3.研究了0℃、4℃、10℃和25℃双层纱布无水保活条件下各理化指标的变化规律:其中四个温度下保活的菲律宾蛤仔体内的水份含量和灰分含量变化均不显著,水分含量略有下降,0℃、4℃、10℃和25℃水分含量分别下降了2.6/%、2.1/%、1.9/%和2.2/%,而灰分相对含量略有升高,0℃、4℃、10℃和25℃灰分含量分别升高了0.13/%、0.126/%、0.096/%和0.1/%;菲律宾蛤仔体内粗糖原、乳酸以及三磷酸腺苷/(ATP/)含量的变化存在一定相关性,0℃、4℃保活前期,乳酸含量和ATP含量均呈上升趋势,第3 d到第6 d急剧增加,6 d后变化趋于缓和,糖原含量变化趋势正好相反;10℃和25℃乳酸含量变化较小,在0.24 mmol·//·L~0.32mmol·//·L范围内波动,糖原含量呈现直线下降的趋势变化,保活的前1d,菲律宾蛤仔体内的ATP值始终维持在一个数值范围内,之后均出现明显下降的趋势;0℃保活时部分游离氨基酸的含量和四个温度保活时TVB-N值变化趋势基本相同,在菲律宾蛤仔保活初期缓慢增加,而在保活后期急剧增加,除甘氨酸/(Gly/)、蛋氨酸/(Met/)和组氨酸/(His/)外,其它游离氨基酸含量都略有增加,4℃保活时,除了组氨酸/(His/)、蛋氨酸/(Met/)、甘氨酸/(Gly/)、谷氨酸/(Glu/)和精氨酸/(Arg/)这5种游离氨基酸的含量在保活10d后降低,其余的游离氨基酸含量均是增加的,10℃保活时,保活5d后丝氨酸/(Ser/)、缬氨酸/(Val/)、胱氨酸/(Cys/)、酪氨酸/(Tyr/)、牛磺酸/(Tau/)、亮氨酸/(Leu/)含量几乎不变,天冬氨酸/(Asp/)、异亮氨酸/(Ile/)、苏氨酸/(Thr/)、丙氨酸/(Ala/)、脯氨酸/(Pro/)、色氨酸/(Trp/)、苯丙氨酸/(Phe/)、赖氨酸/(Lys/)含量呈增加趋势的,Glu、Arg、His、Met、Gly含量是呈现下降趋势变化的,25℃保活时,保活3d后Asp、Ser、Val、Cys、Phe、Tau、Leu含量几乎不变,Ile、Ala、Pro、Trp、Lys、Tyr含量呈增加趋势变化的,Thr、Glu、Arg、His、Met、Gly含量是呈现下降趋势变化的。 4.预测菲律宾蛤仔在存活期间的货架期:以菲律宾蛤仔的菌落总数值作为评定依据得到的货架期更接近各项指标的平均货架期,较能反映菲律宾蛤仔的品质变化情况,所以根据菲律宾蛤仔的菌落总数建立货架期模型,对货架期模型进行了验证,验证效果较好。

外文摘要:Ruditapes philippinarum is a kind of high quality oceanic protein food, which has high nutrition and delicious taste. As its small individual and thin shell, it is hard to be preserved and discommodious for long-distance transportation, so it has practical meaning to study the survival rate, the changing rule of microorganisms and physicochemical indexes and the prediction of shelf life of ruditapes philippinarums during the keeping alive period. The main and conclusions are as follows: /(1/) Survival time and survival rate of ruditapes philippinarum put in anhydrous environment were studied in this paper. Results showed that temperature had great influence on the survival rate of ruditapes philippinarum. The lower the temperature was, the higher the survival rate was. Low temperature method is a good way for storaging ruditapes philippinarum, the effect for keeping alive was significant. In all groups studied, the survival rate in the 0℃group and the water-ice mixed group showed to be the best, the survival rate was even 100/% at the 9th day. The way keeping them also had great influence on the survival rate, the survival rate in gauze group was best, keeping for 9 days, the survival rate was 100/%, keeping for 11 days, there was still 20/% survived. and this kind of method can be widely used in production. /(2/) The changing rule of total bacterial count and coliform group in ruditapes philippinarums during the keeping alive period was also studied. Results showed that temperature had no significant influence on total bacterial count and coliform group when ruditapes philippinarums were stored at the temperature of 0~4℃after sampling, but it had great influence on the microorganisms when the shellfish were stored at 10℃and 25℃, the higher the temperature was, the more rapidly the microorganisms increased. For those shellfish that need to detect microorganisms should begin the detection in 24 hours after sampling, the best temperature for keeping them was between 0~2℃, so the result would be more accurate. /(3/) The changes of main nutrition ingredients of ruditapes philippinarum during keeping alive at 0℃, 4℃, 10℃and 25℃in anhydrous environment were studied. Results showed that the water content all decreased in the 4 groups studied, respectively 2.6/%, 2.1/%, 1.9/% and 2.2/%, the ash content all increased, respectively 0.13/%、0.126/%、0.096/% and 0.1/%;Indexes such as glycogen content, lactic acid and adenosine triphosphate/(ATP/) are all connected with energy supply, in the 0℃and 4℃groups, lactic acid and ATP all increased at the early period, and increased sharply from the 3rd day to the 6th day, after the 6th day, the change tended to mitigation, the change of glycogen showed to be totally different, in the 10℃and 25℃groups, the change occurred to lactic acid was not significant, fluctuated between 0.24 mmol·//·L and 0.32mmol·//·L, glycogen content showed to have sharp descrease at the first day during keeping alive, ATP content change in certain extent, and after that tended to have significant decrease. Parts of free amino acids in 0℃group showed the similar changing tendency as TVB-N in all groups studied, they all showed to had slow increase in the initial days, and sharp increase in late period, in 4℃group, the content of His, Met, Gly, Glu and Arg decreased after 10 days, the content of the other FAAs all increased, in 10℃group, the content of Ser, Val, Cys, Tyr, Tau and Leu almost had no change after 5 days, the content of Asp, Ile, Thr, Ala, Pro, Trp, Phe and Lys showed to increase, the remain FAAs tended to decrease, in 25℃group, the content of Asp, Ser, Val, Cys, Phe, Tau and Leu had no change, the content of Ile, Ala, Pro, Trp, Lys and Tyr tended to increase, the content of Thr, Glu, Arg, His, Met and Gly tended to decrease. /(4/) And finally dynamic model was established to predict the shelf life of ruditapes philippinarum when storaging at different temperatures. Results showed that result of shelf life according to total number of bacteria was more close to the average shelf life, so the total number of bacteria will be more proper to describe the seasonary change. So total number of bacteria was selected to establish the shelf life modle. Some experiments were made to proof the modle, results showed to be well.




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