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Long-term winter/summer warming trends during the Holocene revealed by α-cellulose δ18O/δ13C records from an alpine peat core from central Asia  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:Long-term winter/summer warming trends during the Holocene revealed by α-cellulose δ18O/δ13C records from an alpine peat core from central Asia

作者:Rao, Zhiguo[1]; Shi, Fuxi[2]; Li, Yunxia[1]; Huang, Chao[3]; Zhang, Xinzhu[1]; Yang, Wen[1]; Liu, Lidan[1]; Zhang, Xinping[1]; Wu, Yi[4]

机构:[1] College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, 410081, China; [2] Key Laboratory of State Forestry and Grassland Administration on Forest Ecosystem Protection and Restoration of Poyang Lake Watershed, College of Forestry, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang, 330045, China; [3] Guangdong Province Key Laboratory for Coastal Ocean Variation and Disaster Prediction, College of Ocean and Meteorology, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, 524088, China; [4] Key Laboratory of Ocean and Marginal Sea Geology, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou, 510301, China



外文期刊名:Quaternary Science Reviews


基金:This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41772373, 41372181), the Hunan provincial natural science foundation of China (2018JJ1017), the Construction Program for First-Class Disciplines (Geography) of Hunan Province, China, the National Key R&D Program of China (2018YFA0606404), and the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province, China (2016A030313160). Constructive and valuable comments from Professor Philip A. Meyers and the other reviewers are greatly appreciated. We thank Dr. Jan. Bloemendal for improving the English.


外文关键词:Cellulose - Climatology - Greenhouse gases - Incident solar radiation - Peat

外文摘要:Based on previously reported monitoring results from the alpine Sahara sand peatland (SSP) in the southern Altai Mountains, and modern observational δ18Op data from the Altai area, the new SSP peat α-cellulose δ18O (δ18Ocell) record spanning the last ~11,000 years is determined to be an indicator of winter temperature. The record shows a long-term winter warming trend during the Holocene. Therefore, possibly for the first time, the SSP δ18Ocell record, combined with the reported SSP α-cellulose δ13C (δ13Ccell) record from the same peat core and supported by an independent modern-process study, provides records of Holocene winter and summer temperature. These signals demonstrate robust long-term winter/summer warming trends during the Holocene that are supported by independent records from nearby sites. Comparison of the SSP Holocene temperature records with those of winter/summer insolation and GHG (atmospheric greenhouse gas) forcing demonstrates a close link between temperature and insolation (a natural factor) prior to ~5 cal kyr BP (1 kyr = 1000 years; BP = before present, where "present" is defined as AD 1950). However, there may be a close link between increased GHG forcing (a possible anthropogenic factor) and increased temperature after ~5 cal kyr BP. We emphasize that, given the scarcity of high-quality, well-dated Holocene temperature records, the possible link between GHG forcing and temperature since the mid-Holocene needs to be further investigated. Thus we conclude that an increased number of reliable Holocene temperature records from other regions are urgently needed in order to determine the spatial extent (regional or global) of the Holocene warming trend. ? 2020 Elsevier Ltd



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