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构树饲料发酵技术及构树饲料营养价值评定     被引量:29

Broussonetia Papyrifera Feed Fermentation and Nutritional Value of the Feed



英文题名:Broussonetia Papyrifera Feed Fermentation and Nutritional Value of the Feed







外文关键词:fermented Broussonetia papyrifera leaves; AA broiler; growth performance; metabolic performance; carcass quality

中文摘要:构树是广泛分布于我国各地的一种落叶乔木,构树叶粗蛋白含量达18-24/%,是极具开发潜力的非常规饲料资源。本研究旨在筛选适宜的微生物菌种与发酵条件,以提高构树饲料的饲用价值,为进一步开发构树饲料资源提供科学依据。 /(1/)利用筛选培养基,从构树和甘蔗根际土壤筛选到GZ/_3和HS/_3两个菌株,均为革兰氏染色阴性的兼性厌氧菌,其最适生长pH值为5.0~8.0,最适生长温度为30℃~35℃。用GZ/_3和HS/_3发酵处理的构树叶,粗蛋白含量分别增加8.32/%和5.33/%,粗纤维含量降低14.96/%和11.68/%。 /(2/)采用L16/(3×43/)正交设计方法,不考虑因子之间的交互作用,从pH值、温度、接菌量、发酵时间四个因素进行菌种发酵条件优化。结果表明,GZ/_3菌株降解粗纤维的优组合/(温度为35℃,pH值为7.0,接菌量为2/%,发酵时间为6天/),HS/_3菌株发酵优组合/(温度为45℃,pH值为6.5,接菌量为1/%,发酵时间为6天/)。将各菌种采用优化后的条件进行发酵构树叶混合物,对其发酵效果进行分析发现GZ/_3菌株降解粗纤维的效果最好,而水解蛋白效果最好的是HS/_3菌株。 /(3/)采用PCR方法克隆GZ/_3和HS/_3菌株16SrRNA基因序列,测定其核苷酸序列,证实GZ/_3和HS/_3菌株均属于芽孢杆菌属。 /(4/)采用GZ/_3菌株、HS/_3菌株分别发酵构树叶混合物,对比发酵前后营养成分的差异,并用不同发酵处理的构树叶饲喂AA肉仔鸡,测定其对AA肉仔鸡生长性能及代谢性能的影响。饲养试验分为4个组:空白对照组/(组基础日粮/),试验1组/(未发酵构树叶组/),试验2组/(GZ/_3发酵组/),试验3组/(HS/_3发酵组/)。每组设5个重复,每个重复8只鸡。结果表明:1/)经过发酵处理的构树叶粗纤维含量均有不同程度的下降,粗蛋白含量均显著增加。试验2组粗纤维含量显著低于其他组/(p<0.05/),比试验1组下降了11.58/%;粗蛋白含量最高,比试验1组提高了9 /%。2/)饲喂构树叶对AA肉仔鸡的生长无不良影响。1-42日龄对照组的料肉比为1.88±0.04,略低于试验2组和试验3组,差异不显著,但显著高于试验1组/(p<0.05/)。3/)对照组的AA肉仔鸡消化利用率最好,其次是试验2组,试验3组,试验1组。 /(5/)从上述各组试验鸡每个重复中随机选取2只42日龄的AA肉仔鸡,测定其屠宰性能及肌肉品质的各项指标,探讨发酵构树叶对AA肉仔鸡屠宰性能和肉品质的影响。结果表明:1/)试验四个组的屠宰率、胸肌率、腿肌率、腹脂率无显著差异/(p>0.05/)。试验2组的腹脂率、皮脂厚、肌间脂肪宽略低于其他组,且饲喂构树叶的三个组的皮脂厚、肌间脂肪宽显著低于对照组/(p>0.05/),其中试验2组的皮脂厚比对照组显著降低了8.75/%,肌间脂肪宽比对照组显著降低了10.02/%。2/)在日粮中添加发酵构树叶可以提高肌肉pH值,降低肌肉的滴水损失和烹饪损失,提高肌肉的系水力,改善AA肉仔鸡的肉品质。3/)AA肉仔鸡的胸肌肌苷酸含量、胸肌IMP+HxR含量是以试验3组最高,比对照组提高了42.16/%。腿肌的肌苷酸含量、腿肌IMP+HxR含量是以试验1组最高,显著高于其他组/(p<0.05/),比对照组提高了39.31/%。

外文摘要:Broussonetia papyrifera, a kind of deciduous tree, grown in most parts of China, and the crude protein content of the Broussonetia papyrifera leaf come to 18-24/%, has great development potential as unconventional resources. The present study was used to?screen suitable microbial strains and fermentation conditions to improve the feeding value of Broussonetia papyrifera, and provide a scientific basis for the further development of Broussonetia papyrifera feed resources. /(1/)With selection media, two bacteria strains GZ/_3 and HS/_3 were isolated and screened from the rhizosphere soil of theBroussonetia papyrifera and sugarcane, both of GZ/_3 and HS/_3 were Gram-negative bacteria and facultative anaerobes,and the optimum growth pH 5.0- 8.0, the optimum growth temperature is 30-35℃. The crude protein content of GZ/_3 and HS/_3 ferment Broussonetia papyrifera leaf increased by 8.32/% and 5.33/% respetively, and the crude fiber content decreased by 14.96/% and11.68/% respectively. /(2/) With L16 /(3×43/) orthogonal design, without considering the interaction between factors, the ferment parameters, pH value, temperature, inoculation quantity, and fermentation time were optimized. of fermentation conditions. The result indicated that, for GZ/_3 stain, the rational ferment parameter was: ferment temperature 35℃, medium pH 7.0, inoculation quantity 2/%, ferment time was 6 days; for HS/_3 strain, the rational ferment parameter was: ferment temperature 45℃, medium pH 6.0, inoculation quantity 1/%, ferment time was 6 days. The mixture of Broussonetia papyrifera leaves were subsequently fermented under the optimized conditions above, the GZ/_3?strain had the best effect on the crude fiber degradation, while the HS/_3 strain had the best effect on protein hydrolysis. /(3/) The 16SrRNA gene fragments of the GZ/_3 and HS/_3 strain were amplified and cloned by PCR. The ncleotide sequence analysis showed that both of GZ/_3 and HS/_3 belong to Bacillus genera. /(4/) The mixture of Broussonetia papyrifera leaves were fermented by strain GZ/_3 and HS/_3 respectively and nutritional components of the mixture were analyzed before and after fermentation. Then, fermented leaves were added to the diets of AA broilers and the effects of the leaves on metabolism and growth performance were observed. Feeding experiment had four groups, each with 5 repetitions, 8 chickens each rerepetition: basal diet group /(control group/), unfermented Broussonetia papyrifera Leaves group /(group 1/), GZ/_3 fermented group /(group 2/), HS/_3 fermented group /(group 3/). The results showed that: 1/) After fermentation, the crude fiber in the leaves decreased and the crude protein significantly increased. Specifically, compared with unfermented group, the crude fiber content in Group 2 decreased by 11.58/%, and was significantly lower than that that of other groups /(p <0.05/); the crude protein content increased by 9/%. 2/) No negative effects on the growth of broilers were observed for Broussonetia papyrifera leaves supplementation in the diets. The feed conversion ratio of the control group during 1-42 days of age was 1.88±0.04, slightly lower than that of group 2 and group 3, the differences were not significant, but significantly higher than that of Group 1 /(p <0.05/). 3/) AA broiler had a good digestion with basal diet; followed by Group 2, Group 3 and Group 1. /(5/) 2 42-day-old AA chickens were randomly selected from each repetition to determine their slaughter performance and meat quality index. The effects of fermented Broussonetia papyrifera leaves on the slaughter performance and meat quality of AA broiler were discussed. The results showed that: 1/) The dressing percentage, breast muscle percentage, leg muscle percentage and abdominal fat percentage of four groups were no significantly different /(p>0.05/). Abdominal fat percentage, subcutaneous fat thickness and width of intermuscular fat of the animals in group 2 were slightly lower than than that of other groups; the subcutaneous fat thickness and width of intermuscular fat of the birds in group 2, group 3, and group 4 fed with Broussonetia papyrifera leaves were significantly lower than that of control group /(p>0.05/). Moreover, in Group 2, subcutaneous fat thickness than the control group was significantly decreased 8.75/%, width of intermuscular fat than the diet group was significantly decreased 10.02/%. 2/) Basal diet supplemented with fermented Broussonetia papyrifera leaves can increase muscle pH, reduce muscle drip loss and cooking loss, increase muscle water holding capacity, improve the quality of AA broiler meat. 3/) The inosinic acid and IMP + HxR contents of the breast muscle in Group 3 were the highest, compared with control group increased 42.16/%. The inosinic acid and IMP + HxR contents of the leg muscle in Group 1 were the highest, significantly higher than other groups /(p<0.05/), compared with control group increased 39.31/%.




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