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Climatology of Tropical Cyclone Intensity Landfalling on Luzon Island and China  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:Climatology of Tropical Cyclone Intensity Landfalling on Luzon Island and China

作者:Zhang, Shuqin[1,2,3,4]; Huang, Zhefan[1,2,5,6]; Zheng, Yanzhu[1,2,7]; Xue, Yufeng[1,2,3]; Tang, Ruoying[8]; Shi, Yifan[1,2,3]; Yang, Wanqiong[1,2,3]; Wang, Zongyang[1,2,3]

机构:[1] College of Ocean and Meteorology, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, China; [2] South China Sea Institute of Marine Meteorology [SIMM], Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, China; [3] CMA-GDOU Joint Laboratory for Marine Meteorology, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, China; [4] Key Laboratory of Climate, Resources and Environment in Continental Shelf Sea and Deep Sea, Department of Education, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, China; [5] College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China; [6] CMA-CAU Joint Laboratory for Agricultural Response to Climate Change, China Agricultural University, Beijing, China; [7] School of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing, China; [8] College of Coastal Agricultural Science, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, China

会议日期:September 23, 2022 - September 25, 2022

会议地点:Virtual, Online


外文关键词:Landforms - Storms - Thermal conductivity - Tropics - Water vapor

外文摘要:Using the TC best path data and the ERA5 reanalysis data, the statistical characteristics and environmental conditions for three types of TCs landfalling on Luzon Island and China during 1949-2020 (72 years) are investigated in this work. According to the intensity change before and after landing on Luzon Island, it can be divided into three types of TCs: "Weakening"TCs (40.0 %), and "Unchanging"TCs (33.6 %), and "Enhancing"TCs (26.4 %). The "Weakening"TCs had similar landing frequency in summer and autumn, stronger strength, longer lifespan and most of that landfalled on China with the northwest or westward track. The "Enhancing"TCs and "Unchanging"TCs occurred mostly in summer, their track were most of the westward track. The "Enhancing"TCs had the weakest strength and the shortest lifespan. It is found that the weakening effect of topography of Luzon Island to the TCs was greater than the strengthening effect. The precipitation of "Weakening"TCs was much greater than that of the other two types of TCs. And lower SST, the "Ventilation Flow"effect caused by topography of Luzon Island and abated water vapor transport were not conducive to the development of "Weakening"TCs. On the contrary, the higher SST and more weaken central VWS of "Enhancing"TCs provides favorable thermal and dynamic conditions for their development, moreover water vapor transport strengthen provided favorable moisture conditions. Affected by the convergence of topography of Luzon Island arose in three types of TCs were the greatest precipitation during landing on Luzon Island. ? Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.



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