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Discrete particle model for dense gas-solid flows     被引量:3


英文题名:Discrete particle model for dense gas-solid flows

作者:Wu C.L.[1];Berrouk A.S.[2]

机构:[1]Engineering College, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, 524088, China;[2]Department of Chemical Engineering, The Petroleum Institute, P.O. Box 2533, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

出版社:Bentham Science Publishers B.V.




外文关键词:Discrete particle model; Fluidization system; Gas-solid flow; Numerical efficiency

外文摘要:The discrete particle model (DPM) is a mesoscale method used to study the hydrodynamics of dense dispersed flows. In this approach, the particle motion is described in a Lagrangian framework by directly solving the Newtonian kinetic equations of each individual particle while the gas flow is studied in an Eulerian framework. The constitutive relations for the dispersed phase are not required because the particle-particle interactions are modeled through a two-variant collision-handling algorithm. In this chapter a full understanding of the DPM technique is presented through a detailed description of the numerical model and the results of its applications to gas-solid fluidization systems. We also detail a multi-component numerical strategy developed by the authors to enhance the DPM efficiency. ? 2012 Bentham Science Publishers.



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