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凡纳滨对虾与鲻鱼混养中精养池的理化生物因子的研究     被引量:14

Study on Physical and Chemical Biology Factor of Polyculture Systems of Litopenaeus Vannameia and Mugil Cephalus in Intensive Pond



英文题名:Study on Physical and Chemical Biology Factor of Polyculture Systems of Litopenaeus Vannameia and Mugil Cephalus in Intensive Pond







外文关键词:litopenaeus vannamei; mullet;polyculture; water quality index

中文摘要:随着对虾养殖业的发展,高集约、高产量、高效益的对虾精养模式逐渐成为我国南方沿海地区的主要对虾养殖模式,但是由于其养殖密度大,管理难度高,往往存在池塘残饵多、水环境易恶化,流行病易暴发等问题,严重影响我国对虾产业的健康发展。本文通过对比凡纳滨对虾与鲻鱼混养池和单养池的水体理化指标、浮游植物的种类数量、微生物数量、对虾和水体中的重金属含量以及经济效益等方面,研究分析了虾鱼混养模式对对虾池塘养殖的影响,为探索新的对虾养殖模式提供了理论依据。 本实验以凡纳滨对虾与鲻鱼混养池塘和凡纳滨对虾单养池塘为主要研究对象,两个池塘都为精养池塘,相同配置,统一管理。实验依据《海洋调查规范》/(GB//T 12763.4—2007/)中的实验方法,分别对虾鱼混养池和对虾单养池水体的理化因子:温度、盐度、溶解氧、pH值、化学需氧量、悬浮物、活性磷、亚硝酸氮、硝酸氮和铵氮进行了测定。结果表明,在整个养殖过程中混养池塘水体的温度、盐度、pH值、溶解氧、亚硝酸氮、硝酸氮、铵氮,与单养池塘相比均无显著性差异/(P>0.05/)。其中温度、盐度变化几乎完全一致,pH值、溶解氧受到较多人为因素影响,三种氮的含量在中后期都较高。COD、悬浮物、活性磷在养殖的中后期,具有显著差异/(P<0.05/),前期无显著差异/(P>0.05/)。COD和悬浮物在养殖过程中都表现出持续升高的趋势,活性磷表现出持续降低的趋势。 采用分光光度法对两种养殖模式水体中叶绿素a的含量进行了测定,对浮游藻类的种类数量、异养细菌和弧菌的数量,进行了计数统计。结果表明:两种养殖模式下,水体叶绿素a含量和浮游藻类数量,在养殖的前期和中期,无显著差异/(P>0.05/);在养殖的后期,存在显著差异/(P<0.05/),混养池塘叶绿素a和浮游藻类数量显著大于单养池塘。在浮游藻类种类上,混养池塘具有相对优势种所占比例较小,浮游藻类多样性较好的特点。两种养殖模式下,整个养殖过程异养菌的数量均无显著性差异/(P>0.05/)。弧菌的数量,前期无显著差异/(P>0.05/),中后期存在显著差异/(P<0.05/)。混养池的弧菌数量一直低于同期单养池。 从虾鱼混养对对虾产品的安全性以及池塘中重金属的分布和流动角度出发,采用电感耦合等离子体-质谱仪/(ICP-MS/),测定了池塘水体、对虾肌肉、鲻鱼肌肉、底泥以及饲料中的Mn、Cu、Cd三种重金属的含量。结果表明:在混养和单养两种模式下,混养模式对三种金属在水体和肌肉中的含量无显著影响。混养池塘的水中和对虾肌肉重金属含量均符合渔业水质和水产品安全要求,凡纳滨对虾与鲻鱼混养是安全的养殖模式。 通过测定养殖中后期,两个池塘对虾体长、体重的变化,比较了混养养殖模式对对虾生长的影响,结果表明:鱼虾混养池塘和对虾单养池塘凡纳滨对虾的体重、体长变化趋势基本一致,在养殖末期混养池塘的对虾体重、体长略大于同期单养池塘,但二者无显著差异/(P>0.05/),混养模式对对虾个体生长的影响较小。在养殖效益方面,经统计分析的结果表明:混养池塘对虾产量为6625kg,单位产量为1656kg//1000m~2,鲻鱼产量为1350kg,单位产量为337.5kg//1000m~2,混养池塘的利润为26015元//1000m~2;单养池塘对虾产量为3703kg,单位产量为1596 kg//1000m~2,单养池塘的利润为22590元//1000m~2。混养池塘比单养池塘,每1000 m~2增加了3424元的利润,增效15.2/%,虾鱼混养模式具有良好的经济效益。

外文摘要:With the development of shrimp culture,Because of the high yield, high efficiency and high intensive, the high density aquiculture mode gradually becomes the main breeding mode in the coastal area of southern China .But because the high density, difficulty of management is great. Thus, many problems appears, such as too much residual bait, Water environment easily deteriorated, epidemic outbreaking easily. It serious influences the healthy development of Chinese shrimp industry. In this paper, experiments was taking on comparing pond culturing of single species with polyculture pond of litopenaeus vannamei and mullet on water physical and chemical indicators, the number of phytoplankton species, pond microbial changes, the heavy metal content in water and shrimp and economic benefits, to provide theoretical basis for finding healthy culture mode. In this experiment, Litopenaeus vannamei and Mugil cephalus polyculture pond and Litopenaeus vannamei monoculture pond as the main object of study, the two ponds are for the intensive pond, the same configuration, and management.According to the experimental method of Ocean survey standard /(GB//T12763.4-2007/), the physical and chemical indicators such as temperature,salinity, dissolved oxygen, pH value, chemical oxygen demand /(cod/), suspended matters, active phosphorus, nitrite nitrogen, nitric nitrogen and ammonia nitrogen of the pond culturing of single species and polyculture pond were detected respectively. The results showed that there were no significant difference between the two ponds in these factors such as temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen, PH value, chemical oxygen demand /(cod/), suspended matters, nitrite nitrogen, nitric nitrogen and ammonia nitrogen/(P>0.05/). Among them, the temperature and salinity almost identical, PH value, dissolved oxygen effected more by human factors, the content of three kinds of nitrification is higher in later period. There is significant difference between the two ponds in COD, active phosphorus and suspended matters in the middle and later culturing period/(P<0.05/),while in the early stage had no significant difference/(P>0.05/).In the entire culturing process, COD and suspended matters showed rising trend, while active phosphorus showed reduced tendency. Using spectrophotometer method to detect the content of chlorophyll a in the water of the two culturing modes. Counting and statistiking the species and number of phytoplankton, the number of heterotrophic bacteria and vibrio. The results indicated that in the two culturing modes, there were no significant difference in the content of chlorophyll a and the number of phytoplankton in the early and middle stage/(P>0.05/),but there was significant difference in the later stage/(P<0.05/).The content of chlorophyll a and the number of phytoplankton in polyculture pond is significantly greater than single raise pond. Polyculture pond has a good feature of a smaller proportion of relative superiority species and has a better diversity of algae. Under the two mode, the number of heterotrophic bacteria has no significant difference/(P>0.05/).But, the number of vibrato has a significant difference /(P<0.05/),the number in polyculture pond is much lower than the single specie pond in the same period. Considering form the angle of the safety of shrimp products from polyculture pond and the distribution and flow of heavy metal ions , using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry /(ICP-MS/) to detect the content of the three heavy mater ions Cu、Mn、Cd in pond water, shrimp mince,mullet muscle,bottom sediment and fodder. The results showed that there was no significant difference in the content of the three ions in pond water and shrimp mince in the two mode/(P>0.05/), polyculture pattern has no significant influence on the content of the three ions in pond water and shrimp mince. The heavy metal content in pond water and shrimp mince met the safety requirements of fishery water quality and aquatic products. Litopenaeus vannamei and mullet polycultivation mode is safe. Through the determination of shrimp length and weight in the two ponds in the later stage of culturing, comparing the influence of the polycultivation mode on Litopenaeus vannamei growth. Results showed that change trend of litopenaeus vannameis’weight and length almost has no difference. In the later stage of culturing, the weight and length of shrimps in ploycultive pond is slightly larger than the pond culturing of single species, but there is no significant difference in the two pond/(P>0.05/). Culturing mode has little influence on shrimp growth. On the aspect of breeding benefit, the statistical calculation results show that the profit for polyculture pond is 26015 yuan per 1000m~2,while the pond culturing of single species is 22590 yuan per 1000m~2. The shrimp production of Polyculture pond is 6625kg and the specific yield is 1656kg per 1000m~2.The mullet production is 1350kg and the specific yield is 337.5kg per 1000m~2.The profits of Polyculture pond is 26015yuan per 1000m~2;The shrimp production of monoculture pond is 3703kg, and the specific yield is1596kg per 1000m~2. The profits of monoculture pond is 22590 yuan per 1000m~2。The polyculture pond has a increased profits of 3424 yuan per per 1000m~2.The profit growth rate is 15.2/%. Thus, the polyculture mode has a better economic benefits




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