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Effects of Dietary Histamine on the Growth, Digestive Tract Morphology, Flesh Quality in Striped Catfish, Pangasianodon Hypophthalmus  ( EI收录)  


英文题名:Effects of Dietary Histamine on the Growth, Digestive Tract Morphology, Flesh Quality in Striped Catfish, Pangasianodon Hypophthalmus

作者:Fu, Xinlangji[1,2,3]; Liu, Yu[1,2,3]; Zhou, Hang[1,2,3]; Huang, Huajing[1,2,3]; Fan, Jiongting[1,2,3]; Deng, Junming[1,2,3]; Tan, Beiping[1,2,3]

机构:[1] College of Fisheries, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang, 524088, China; [2] Aquatic Animals Precision Nutrition and High-Efficiency Feed Engineering Research Centre of Guangdong Province, Zhanjiang, 524088, China; [3] Key Laboratory of Aquatic, Livestock and Poultry Feed Science and Technology in South China, Ministry of Agriculture, Zhanjiang, 524088, China





外文关键词:Antioxidants - Digestive system - Enzyme activity

外文摘要:An 8-week trial investigated the effects of dietary histamine on the growth, digestive enzyme activity, antioxidant capacity, digestive tract morphology, and flesh quality of striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus). The weight gain rate, specific growth rate, and intestinal maltase and trypsin activities, serum SOD, GPX and GR activities, and muscular L*, in the 240 mg/kg and 480 mg/kg histamine supplementation groups were significantly lower than control. However, the feed conversion rate and muscular B*, chewiness, and springiness showed the opposite results. Moreover, intestinal Zo-2, Occludin, Claudin7a, and Claudin12 were downregulated in the high histamine groups, and the digestive tract morphology was severely damaged in the 480 mg/kg histamine supplementation group. These results indicate that high dietary histamine inhibits digestive enzyme activity, downregulates intestinal tight junction structures, impairs digestive tract morphology and antioxidant capacity, thereby inhibiting the growth of striped catfish. Moreover, high dietary histamine reduces the flesh quality of striped catfish ? 2023, The Authors. All rights reserved.



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